Monday, April 7, 2014


The Punk Princess came out of the mist, sensing a mechanical evil. The clanking mechanical silhouettes approached, eyes glowing, teeth chattering, unyielding. With a steely determination, the Punk Princess took out her weighty mace she calls "The Big Ball of Stupid", ready to wield its forceful momentum into the metallic fleshy bits. As the ball flew, robot projectiles formed the destructive wake of the Princess' fury. 

I redrew this image because it has been slow cooking in my head for a while. The last one I attempted has its own strengths and weaknesses, as does this one. Someday I might revisit it and redraw it again, because I still don't feel I have hit the sweet spot when it comes to what I wanted. But it's a step in the right direction!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mighty Nice Weather?

My submission for the 2013 Seattle Erotic Art Festival. Pen and Ink on bristol board. The title comes from an old movie called "Up the Academy," where one of the characters offers to tickle a woman's ass with a feather. After being rebuffed, he corrected his statement and said "Mighty nice weather?" 

I thought it was hilarious. Guess you had to be there.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Velocity Ape

Velocity Ape! There is absolutely no reason why I chose to put "Velocity" and "Ape" together except that it seemed to roll off the tongue while providing an interesting visual (without looking at the image provided). The dude on the bike is happily heading toward the cliff in what one would assume would be a self-destructive gesture, but what you don't realize is that he is jumping the bike into the cool waters of the Pacific, where a yacht manned by the Swedish Bikini Team will be waiting nearby to pick him up for margarita hour. So is he really a self-destructive adrenaline freak, or an enthusiastic supporter of Euro swimwear?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Samurai vs. Viking!

Striker versus Wrestler? Dog versus Cat? Dark chocolate versus milk chocolate? All questions posed throughout modern history. And now I am pitting two of my favorite warriors in what will surely be a cartoony free-for-all: SAMURAI VERSUS VIKING. Booyeah!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Adventures in cardboard electronics

I have been playing around with packaging ideas for a while and messing around with paper forms. Then one day I "graduated" to cardboard and started ripping off boxes and hacking them up with my new hand-held bevel cutter to see if I could improve how the corners join together. The top image shows the latest incarnation of the process.

The bottom three images are my first attempt to try and "package" electronics into a custom container, which is going to be really important to grasp in my work eventually. I thought "how hard could it be?" Turns out that planning how something fits into something else while providing some kind of stimulus is really fucking hard (at least for me). But I learned a lot from the process. I don't keep the battery in it because it's basically a nice little fire hazard.

The idea of the "Hit the Dirt" monolith was a kind of internal joke. I was going to place this on my desk at work and turn it on based on how bad of a mood I was in. The potentiometers on the back allow the user to adjust the frequency of the blinking LED's so I could adjust the frequency based on the level of anger I was experiencing. The "Hit the Dirt" was just a warning that if one sees the blinking lights going apeshit they should drop to the floor to avoid flying fists. 

Of course I'm not really volatile. Mostly. Kidding. Anyway I like the idea. Once I slow down on my inking, I'll build another one that actually encloses the electronics and battery and update the graphics.