Monday, January 23, 2012

F-Bomb Incarnation #18.0023

Over the past few months I have been cutting up manila folders and producing shapes and elements that ranged from simple cubes to something that can only be described as a macabre mix of a Frank Gehry building and a psychedelic blimp at a Yes concert. 

I reeled myself  back a bit after finding a box made of this interesting striped cardboard (which was just a few microns thicker than a gnat's nipple), and tried my hand at making a octagonal box. The box turned into a kind of semi-subconscious attempt as a product box for my F-BOMB toy.

I painted the images on the box to finish it off, but found that I didn't leave enough surface on the flaps to insure proper adhesion when putting the box together. It was fun, and now exists as a souvenir pinned to my bulletin board to remind me to try another version.

The F-Bomb is still a work in progress. although my ability to drop the F-BOMB has been honed to a fine art.

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