Thursday, August 4, 2011

Le Art Blog.

Like a giant tangled hairball clogging up your mental acuity, art blogs are a dime a dozen. There is some awesome shit out there, but the bad ones are kind of the metaphorical mountain of bubbling white jetsam of the Pacific. Of course what better way to remedy this, than to throw my own art blog into the sea of ones and zeros? Hopefully looking at my stuff will be the opposite of pissing your pants and forgetting who you are for half an hour. Maybe, just maybe, if the stars align and the Tabernacle Choir starts to hum, you might even dig it.

My work at its best is Lowbrow. Actually it's lowbrow enough to possibly be labeled Neanderthal brow. I like alluding to geeky Tech stuff, monkey wrench culture, and touching on other subculture styles like Urban Vinyl, B-Movies and whatever else takes my fancy. Basically I'm a 15 year old expressing myself as a middle-aged dope. 

So here it is - Megavolt Studio served up like a heaving, steaming pile of artfulness on a silver platter. Hope it tickles your nether regions.

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